North End Fest

Musicians & Performers

Applications are evaluated based on type of music, content, quality, diversity and potential appeal to the audiences at North End Fest.

Interested performers can apply via email or postal mail. Send completed "Performer Application" along with music/performance samples to the address below.


Arts & Crafts Exhibitors

Exhibitors space is FREE. Exhibitors fee to be 10% of total sales for both days of the event to be paid at the end of the fest.

Interested exhibitors can apply via email or postal mail. Send completed "Artist Application" along with work samples or website link to the address below.


Food Vendors

Food vendors subject to approval by Department of Health. A $50 vendor fee is due prior to set up. Application due no later than July 15.

Interested vendors can apply via email or postal mail. Send completed "Vendor Application" to the address below.


Send inquires, applications or materials to: North End Cultural Center, PO Box 2761, Waterloo, IA 50704 • email:

**NOTE: We do not send you confirmation of your submission upon receipt. Due to the number of applications we receive, we do not contact artists who are not chosen to perform at the festival. Submitted materials will not be returned.